Steve Powers, the artist
formerly known as ESPO who is now, in his own words, a "typical parent and New York resident," sends word of a
recent painting he created—part of his Daily Metaltation series—with reference to
"free swiping". Asked about the swiping reference seen in the work at left, Powers told NYC The Blog: "I noticed people asking to be swiped and it interests me because in another time, people would just hop the turnstile, but thanks to increased enforcement, they now work
this grey area where the law can't touch them." Responding to criticism
some have voiced over the practice of swiping someone through the turstile, Powers was succinct: "If you have been poor enough to not be able to afford the subway and good enough to not to steal service then I'll listen to you. Everybody else be quiet."
In discussion about the practice of "free swiping"
on NYC The Blog's Facebook page, Elizabeth Torres acknowledged one reason for criticism:
"...[unlimited metrocards] are designed for individual use," she wrote. "Therefore 'abusing' the quantity of times they are used does cause unbalance." She concluded: "I'm lovin the idea."
» Follow NYC The Blog on Facebook and Twitter. Photo credit: Steve Powers/First and Fifteenth