Monday, December 1, 2008

Nintendo DS or Play Station Portable?

Doing my part to turn this world around from the inside out, in the belly of the American beast better known as NYC, Aaron Howell and myself are teaching journalism in an after school program with Citizen Schools at M.S. 45 Stars Prep Academy in E. Harlem. With any luck, these kids will be penning articles like these in the near future. Please save your applause and trade it in for money_to_put_where_your_mouth_is in NASDAQ Over The Counter Market Swaps for Citizen Responsibility. Those swaps are the cheapest derivatives on the market right now, and pay the largest dividend.

Best Video Game System
By Kareem Tucker, 11 Years Old, Student at M.S. 45 Stars Prep Academy.

Two portable video game consoles, the PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo DS, are vying for the top slot among the youth market. I set out to discover who among my peers prefer what console, and why.

Polo Fernandez, 11, a student at M.S. 45 Stars Prep Academy in on 120th st in East Harlem, in response to a query on the topic, said, "I think PSP is better because it has better things like music. You can not hear music on the DS."

I also conducted an informal poll of 12 students, which resulted in an even split of fans between both consoles, with each receiving six votes.
The specs on each console vary, and some important ones are listed below.

PlayStation Portable
1). One Screen
2). Weight: 9.2 oz.
3). Gigabytes: 32 MB Ram
4). Price: $169.00 - 199.00 (

Nintendo DS
1). Two Screens
2). Weight: 9.7 oz.
3). Gigabytes: 8 KB Ram
4). Price: $255.00 (

In conclusion, people should buy the DS because of it's graphics, it has great virtual games that children, teens, and even adults would like to play. Every time people come home they could relax and play the DS. It also has realistic features and better colors. That is why the DS is so popular.
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