Pretzel Crisps' has committed to removing another advertisement—as well as removing ads on the West Coast that have already been removed in Manhattan—due to widespread criticism online, in print and on television. Many pointed out the dangerous message the company was putting forth.
After apologizing for and removing the offending ads in Manhattan, it was observed that ads carrying the slogan: 'Tastes as good as skinny feels' remained. During an email exchange yesterday with NYC The Blog, Pretzel Crisps informed they will be removing these ads as well.
After many people expressed concern about ads still in use featuring a well known pro anorexia slogan: 'Tastes as good as skinny feels,' NYC The Blog inquired about them with Perry Abbenate, vice president of marketing at Pretzel Crisps. After explaining that the campaign was to end in a couple weeks, he continued: "As we promised, all of the “You can never be too thin” ads were taken down at our request and expense."
However, that's not entirely accurate; Pretzel Crisps removed *all* the offending ads in Manhattan.
As it happened, a photo taken yesterday in San Francisco (on 3rd Street near Harrison Street according to the photographer) of a Pretzel Crisp ad with the slogan "You can never be too thin" appeared on Twitter. The ad did not go over well with those who saw it.
I passed the photo along to Pretzel Crisps and asked if these would be removed as well. The company responded to explain they will begin removing those ads on the West Coast as well. What's more, in a departure from previous statements, though the campaign is scheduled to run for a couple more weeks, they will begin replacing the ‘Tastes as good as skinny feels’ "starting tomorrow in NYC and will be completed by Monday at the latest." Abbenate clarified that in California, due to logistics: "The process for removing the boards on West coast will start on Monday."
According to Abbenate, the ads will be replaced with posters featuring slogans stating "There's a new star in The Garden," or "Perfect for skinny dipping."
Pretzel Crisps Can't Shake Criticism Their Ads Support Anorexia
UPDATED: Pretzel Crisps Offer An Apology
Pretzel Crisps: "We Will Be Taking The ‘You Can Never Be Too Thin’ Ads Down"
UPDATED: Pretzel Crisps Responds: Pretzel Crisps Pretzel Ads Encourage Anxiety About Body Weight And Image; One Resident Fights Back
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