Are there secret pools in empty industrial lots of Williamsburg, Brooklyn? The answer seems to be yes, but they are no secret to fan of the internet Anna Grimm. Anna spied this one from her perch in Williamsburg the other day, (note the photo at left) covered in a green tarp. Click through for clear view of the ladder leading up and into the pool.
You might recall last years media attention on the secret dumpster pools of Macro-Sea, which led to the location being revealed: "near the corner of Bond Street and Carroll Street in Brooklyn." The pool seen here is in a different location, and from the looks of it, is not a Macro-Sea dumpster pool. NYC The Blog inquired as much via email, which they did not immediately respond to.
So where is the pool seen here? Glad you asked. Let's look from space.
NYCTB fired up the satellites and attempted to track it via pool water-seeking laser. When that failed, we just asked Anna, who helpfully pointed it out for us. (That green thing in the middle of the map, at Big Daddy Wholesale Accessories!) The location has been mapped out for you below with spy tracking video and successfully narrowed down to an exact location behind the corner of Kent and Division Avenues in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Guess whomever is responsible decided they didn't need to wait for no stinking floating pool.
Does anyone else no more about this pool? Have you belly flopped in this pool? Please let us know.
And here is list of 14 not so secret but very awesome pools nonetheless in New York City.
» Follow NYC The Blog on Facebook and Twitter. Photo credit: Anna Grimm / Video credit: Paolo Mastragelo