In Williamsburg (nohipster) recently, many of you will recall the Feast of the Giglio was held a couple of weeks ago, an annual event held by Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.
Next week, another feast is coming soon August 7th on Pleasant Ave. in East Harlem; (Spanish Harlem, shh) The Annual Feast Giglio Sant' Antonio.
"...the origins of the Giglio Society of East Harlem trace their heritage back to the town of Brusciano, Italy approximately 20 miles outside of Naples. Here an Annual Feast called the Dance of the Giglio takes place yearly in honor of Sant' Antonio. The Feast originally began back in the 1880's when Francisco Vivolo prayed to Sant' Antonio to help cure his deathly ill child."
I spoke to the Italians hanging around, many over 50 save for the young men building the tower, and all noted that they grew up here in the neighborhood, eagerly speaking of the large Italian community that used to exist here. Asking them where they live now, they told me they long ago moved to Brooklyn, Staten Island, etc...
The East Harlem (Spanish Harlem, shh) Dance of the Giglio Feast begins on August 7 and runs until August 10th, on Pleasant Ave from 114th St to 116th St. (google map)
p.s. ATTN: Young men and women moving to NYC, people who already live in Manhattan but would like to move, and 'others'
See the dapper gentleman in the second photo from top, wearing all black with white shoes? His name is James Nunziato. He lives in Williamsburg, and owns a number of nice rental properties there, some of which have available units. He would be happy to accommodate anyone who is looking to move there. If you would just love to live in Williamsburg, send and email and we'll pass along his number. Hate to shepherd more assholes to Williamsburg, but I guess they might as well just have the place at this point.
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