The MTA police write a $100.00 fine to an unfortunate rider who could not produce a ticket after disembarking from an M15 Select Bus Service on the corner of Catherine Street and Madison Street on the Lower East Side early Wednesday morning. You must purchase a ticket before boarding the new SBS lines and produce it if asked.
Running speed service in exclusive lanes with pay before you board tickets, the MTA's new line is a welcome addition to public transit in New York City. Because you can board without having to show your ticket to the driver, it seems tempting to just get on and ride for free. But with single rides costing $2.25 and tickets for not having one setting you back $100.00, it's a gamble not worth taking unless you're stupid and wealthy or have no intention of paying the fine.
Watching the MTA police in action that morning, its not likely you will be sneaking out one of the doors before they board, either. With three doors on each bus, six officers were present on the corner; three officers waited on each side of the street for north and south bound buses to pull up, entering as soon as they pulled up. Metro New York reports the MTA police really like doing this, issuing 14,125 fare-evasion tickets since M15 SBS service launched in October.
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