Last night, the company reiterated their resolve to remove the offending ads, and posted the following message (seen above) to their Twitter account: "We didn't intend to advocate unhealthy weight loss with our ads. Thanks to all for the feedback. The ads will be taken down asap." Whatever your opinion of the ads or company, that's a pretty classy move on their part. At the least, it's a responsive and accommodating decision and deserving of praise.
The author and comedian Julie Klausner might have said it best when she chimed in: "Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional and I can enjoy @PretzelCrisps guilt-free now that they're taking down their ads. We make mistakes & move on."
UPDATE: One of the offending ads, in a bus shelter on Houston Street, near 2nd Avenue and, and featured in the previous video, has already been replaced with a new ad. See it below.

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